Verdun: 514-768-5060

3954a, rue Wellington

Rosemère: 450-979-0303 

260, Chemin de la Grande-Côte​

Custom Made Orthotics For Flat Feet

Lire la suite ... Pied Plat 

Our clinics warmly welcome children and constitute a great number of our clientele. Most common foot ailments include Flat Feet, Plantar Warts, and Ingrown Toenails. Your child should never suffer from foot pain. These problems are all easily resolved in the office of a certified Podiatrist.

Flat Feet And Children

  • Correct position of the feet (Flat & High Arched Feet)
  • Reduce the progression of certain deformities, hallux abducto-valgus (Bunion)
  • Decrease pain caused by certain pathologies (Plantar Fasciitis, Tendinitis, Knee pain, Back pain, etc.), when they are caused by biomechanical deficiencies of the feet.
  • Custom Made Orthotics
  • Stretching Exercises
  • Analgesic Medication ​
  • Rest And Ice

Podo pediatrics permits the permanent correction of biomechanical or postural weaknesses before growth is finished. It is important to consult as early as possible because once growing has ceased correction becomes more difficult.

Orthotics Permit

Flat Feet  can cause foot and ankle pain in children and in certain cases, it can affect the knee, hips and back. Different types of custom-made orthotics exist and can be prescribed depending on the degree of severity.

​​Plantar WartsMore information:Click here

​​Ingrown Toenail More information: Click here

​Dr. Bevacqua performs foot surgery and orthopedic evaluations.  High-quality orthotic devices are also fabricated to alleviate foot, ankle, knee, hip, and back pain. Corrective orthotics are fabricated for children starting as early as the age of three years old.  Other conditions that are treated include, warts, ingrown toenails, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, bursitis, corns, calluses, thickened and fungal toenails, athletes foot, heel and arch pain, flat feet, high arched feet, bunions, hammertoes, fibromas and much more!  Minor surgeries can be performed in the office under local anesthesia. Our mission is to provide personalized, high-quality foot care on an as-needed or preventative basis.  We have created a practice that we believe in and choose for our own family members.

​​​​Flat Feet or Hyperpronation is a physical condition characterized by falling of the arch of the foot when standing. Other terms that describe this are Valgus Foot or a foot in Pronation.

Podiatry For Children

Foot pain is never normal. It is always best to consult a reputable and devoted Podiatrist.

Rapid Appointments, No Medical Reference Necessary, Close To You And Métro Station De L'Église.

Make An Appointment

Flat Feet Causes

Dr. Darrell Bevacqua, podiatrist
25 ans d'expérience professionnelle​

Docteur en médecine podiatrique

Résidence post doctorale, Chirurgie & Médecine podiatrique
Hôpital Vétérans, Brooklyn, New York 

Clinicien | Chargé de cours  
Département des Sciences de l’activité physique 
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
3351, boul. des Forges,Trois-Rivières (Québec) 

Clinique podiatrique de Verdun  
3954a Wellington, Verdun (Montréal)

Tél : (514) 768 – 5060

Flat Feet: Treatment

Dr. Darrell Bevacqua, podiatre

Consultez Un Podiatre Certifié Et Expérimenté

Your Child should never suffer from foot pain. Here are some very important signs to look for;

  • If your child refuses to let you examine their feet. Children are frequently afraid of doctors. It is possible they are hiding an ingrown toenail, wart, or a fungal infection such as Athlete’s Foot.
  • Your child shows reluctance to participate in their favorite games or activities. A painful ingrown toenail or pain from flat feet or heel pain could be the cause. Children often have heel pain during growth which can be resolved by consulting a Podiatrist.
  • If your child falls frequently while running this can signify flat feet or some other biomechanical weakness. Custom made orthotic devices usually resolve this problem 100% of the time. If your child tires easily when playing or running and is not able to keep up with friends again this could be Flat Feet, Ligamentous Laxity, or Hyperpronation of the midtarsal joint.
  • If you notice that your child walks with their feet pointed inward or outward, this could signify rotational or torsional problems.
  • My young patients’ feet develop rapidly, and I always prefer to verify it at the moment when they arise.

  • Congenital (at birth) - caused by muscle and ligament weakness.​
  • Adult – Dysfunction of the Posterior Tibial Muscle & Tendon.​
  • Hyperpronation – While standing the arch flattens significantly.​
  • Injuries – Fractures or Posterior Tibial tendon injuries or rupture.

Podopediatrics – Podiatry For Children