Plantar warts are caused by the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus) which enters the skin through small cuts or micro cracks. Once in the skin, the virus replicates causing a bump which is actually a benign tumour. Malignant transformation in this type of HPV virus is extremely rare. Children especially teenagers tend to be more susceptible to warts than adults. Most warts are harmless and benign but can be painful and unsightly. Warts are often caught from walking barefooted on wet dirty surfaces in public places. There are several simple procedures your podiatrist can perform to remove warts. The skin on the bottom of the foot is the thickest in the body and for this reason, a plantar wart can be resistant to traditional treatments found in the local Pharmacy. Azote (liquid nitrogen) treatments are generally not effective for plantar warts because the virus (human papillomavirus) can survive in liquid nitrogen.
Appointments / Information
If you are not sure what you have is a wart, consult a Podiatrist to have the proper diagnosis.
At our clinic, we offer all modes of treatments for Plantar Warts from conservative to minimally invasive surgery. Most cases can be resolved in a conservative manner. Timely intervention and treatment prevents warts on feet from becoming chronic. 25 years of experience ensures you will receive the appropriate treatment plan. Wait times for appointments at our clinics are relatively low. We are always happy to welcome new patients into our family foot care practice.
Your Podiatrist has years of experience in the domain of plantar wart treatments. Most cases can be resolved in a conservative manner as the Podiatrist has all the tools at his disposal to remedy the situation effectively.
Plantar warts can multiply easily and as they grow become painful as they invade into the deeper tissues. As the wart gets bigger it can exert pressure on the sole of the foot while walking causing discomfort or pain. Since warts are viruses they are contagious and can be spread to family members or close ones. They are often confused with corns which are caused by friction and not contagious or infectious in nature. Your Podiatrist will gladly explain to you all of the treatment options.
Dr. Darrell Bevacqua, Podiatrist
25 years of professional experience
Docteur en médecine podiatrique
Résidence post doctorale, Hôpital Vétérans,Brooklyn, New York
Clinicien | Chargé de cours
Département des Sciences de l’activité physique Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
3351, boul. des Forges,Trois-Rivières (Québec)
Clinique podiatrique de Verdun
3954a Wellington, Verdun (Montréal)
Tél : (514) 768 - 5060